Behind the Mask

Date: March 30, 2023 Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands Team: EI staff and Charis Bible College – Colorado, USA Ministry: Testimony of a conversation during a city outreach.

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God of this City

Date: March 28, 2023 Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands Team: EI staff and Charis Bible College – Colorado, USA Ministry: Tune in to hear what is happening in Amsterdam!

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Compassion for Turkey

Date: March 17, 2023 Location: Antacia, Turkey Team: Devin Grome, European Initiative Staff Ministry: Watch the update on the devastation caused by the earthquake in Turkey by Devin Grome, European Initiative, Budapest Base Director.

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Sowing Truth

Date: March 23, 2023 Location: Budapest, Hungary Team: Caleb Braun, European Initiative Staff Ministry: The EI Budapest Base goes into Hungarian high schools on a weekly basis, sowing truths from the Word of God into the students’ lives. This week we discussed trustworthiness with students and explained that God can be our anchor even when…

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From Dark to Light

Date: March 6, 2023 Location: Paris, France Team: EI staff and Charis Bible College – Colorado, USA Ministry: Paris, famously known as the City of Lights, is sadly a city of darkness when it comes to belief in God. However, a vibrant team from Charis Bible College, Colorado, USA, partnered with EI to pierce the…

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True Freedom

Date: March 4, 2023 Location: Paris, France Team: EI staff and Charis Bible College – Colorado, USA Ministry: The Place de la République is hallowed ground in Paris. In the center of the square stands a towering statue of “Marianne” the personification of the French Republic. In her right hand she holds an olive branch…

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