Salvation in the Rain

Date: April 15, 2023 Location: Frankfurt, Germany Team: EI staff and Charis Bible College – Colorado, USA Ministry: The Charis team shares the gospel and performs dramas in the rain in Central Frankfurt, partnering with Victory Outreach.

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One Soul at a Time

Date: April 14, 2023 Location: Santiago de Compostela, Spain Team: EI staff and local church Ministry: A man who believed in evolution was confronted with the truth of the Gospel.

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Into the Deep End

Date: April 14, 2023 Location: Frankfurt, Germany Team: EI staff and Charis Bible College – Colorado, USA is partnering with Friday Outreach  Ministry: City outreach in the red-light district with Friday Outreach ministry, sharing the gospel.

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Good Friday

Date: April 7, 2023 Location: Berlin, Germany Team: Lynsey Robinson, European Initiative Berlin Staff Ministry: The majority of Berliners celebrate Easter in some form with their families, but few are aware of its meaning – the salvation Jesus bought for us with His death and resurrection. EI took a team to Humboldt University on Thursday…

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The Wall

Date: April 1, 2023 Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands Team: EI staff and Charis Bible College – Colorado, USA Ministry: Many Europeans are impacted by the power of the gospel through “The Wall” drama.

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New Life

Date: March 31, 2023 Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands Team: EI staff and Charis Bible College – Colorado, USA Ministry: Hear how God impacted one man’s life during a city outreach.

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